10:30 AM10:30

Sunday Service

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us at our Sunday services as we gather to worship Jesus! Our time together includes worshipping in song, a study through His word, partaking of communion and wonderful fellowship in the family of God. We also invite you to the pre-service prayer time, which starts at 10AM.

Child care is available during our regular service time-10:30AM-12:00PM

Location - 5350 Melaleuca Lane, Lake Worth, FL

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12:30 PM12:30

Servant Leadership Training

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Servant Leadership Meeting

On the last Sunday of each month, you are invited to join us for our Servant Leadership Meetings from 12:30pm-1:30pm in the sanctuary. If you would like to grow as a servant leader, this is a great opportunity to learn Biblical principles of leadership and learn from one another. We also take time to interview a member of our church who is currently serving in leadership and hear more about their area of ministry and how they are growing as a leader. We’d love to have you join us!

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12:30 PM12:30

High School and Middle School Youth Group

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are thrilled to be moving our twice-monthly Youth Group to the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month to allow more students the opportunity to attend as we will meeting shortly after our morning church service.

All middle and high school students are invited to come for a fun time of fellowship, games, and time in the Word!

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10:30 AM10:30

Sunday Service

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us at our Sunday services as we gather to worship Jesus! Our time together includes worshipping in song, a study through His word, partaking of communion and wonderful fellowship in the family of God. We also invite you to the pre-service prayer time, which starts at 10AM.

Child care is available during our regular service time-10:30AM-12:00PM

Location - 5350 Melaleuca Lane, Lake Worth, FL

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7:00 PM19:00

Worship Practice and Training

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If you are a musician or singer and are interested in joining our worship ministry, bring your instrument and join us for a monthly worship practice and training on Wednesday August 21st at 7pm in the sanctuary. We meet the third Wednesday of each month for a time of training and practice for our current worship teams and anyone interested in serving in the area of praise and worship. We’d love to have you join us!

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10:30 AM10:30

Sunday Service

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us at our Sunday services as we gather to worship Jesus! Our time together includes worshipping in song, a study through His word, partaking of communion and wonderful fellowship in the family of God. We also invite you to the pre-service prayer time, which starts at 10AM.

Child care is available during our regular service time-10:30AM-12:00PM

Location - 5350 Melaleuca Lane, Lake Worth, FL

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9:00 AM09:00

Leadership Conference - One Day Conference

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Leadership Conference - One Day Conference. REGISTER HERE

Please join us for an exciting day of learning, equipping, conversation, and connection as we host our second LEADERSHIP ONE DAY Conference at Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches on Saturday, March 15th. 

The LEADERSHIP ONE DAY Conference will be from 9am-3pm at the Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches Church Campus (5350 Melaleuca Ln Lake Worth, FL 33463) and includes lunch. We will hear from several different pastors on our relationship with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and how we can apply them in any area we are called to serve and lead. 

There will also be time for questions following each Session as well as time to discuss and connect with other local church leaders on the leadership principles being taught. This will be not only a day of great content, but a time to process, discuss, and connect with other like-minded local church leaders as well. 

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12:30 PM12:30

High School and Middle School Youth Group

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are thrilled to be moving our twice-monthly Youth Group to the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month to allow more students the opportunity to attend as we will meeting shortly after our morning church service.

All middle and high school students are invited to come for a fun time of fellowship, games, and time in the Word!

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10:30 AM10:30

Sunday Service

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us at our Sunday services as we gather to worship Jesus! Our time together includes worshipping in song, a study through His word, partaking of communion and wonderful fellowship in the family of God. We also invite you to the pre-service prayer time, which starts at 10AM.

Child care is available during our regular service time-10:30AM-12:00PM

Location - 5350 Melaleuca Lane, Lake Worth, FL

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7:30 PM19:30

Gospel Centered Community Groups

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Gospel Centered Community Groups have begun meeting and remain open for registration!

Meetings are held on various nights and locations throughout our community. Please REGISTER here so we can connect you to a group in your community.

At Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches, our passion is to actively be pursuing and proclaiming Jesus in our lives individually and as a community. We want to see people come to Jesus and grow in their relationships with Him!
We see this vision demonstrated as we gather together to worship and study the Bible as a large group and also as we live out our lives together in gospel-centered community groups. These community groups meet together throughout palm beach county during the week. These are places where Jesus is exalted in everyday life within a smaller group setting. Community groups are a practical means of discipleship as we encourage one another and live out the principles and teachings of Scripture together through praying together, serving each other, and reaching out to people in our city.
To join a group, please fill out the registration form so we can place you in the group that works best for you!

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7:00 PM19:00

Worship and Prayer Nights

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Worship and Prayer Nights

Come and join us for our first MONTHLY Corporate Fasting & Prayer Worship Service on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm! We are starting these monthly worship and prayer services because we want to be taking time to fast and pray regularly as a church body, and also to be intentionally taking time to come together in person to pray and worship the Lord together. You can choose to fast from one meal or throughout the whole day, and then join us for prayer at noon (via Zoom daily prayer) and in the evening IN PERSON at our Corporate Fasting & Prayer Worship Service at 7pm. We look forward to these special times each month to come and seek Jesus together. 

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7:30 PM19:30

Gospel Centered Community Groups

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Gospel Centered Community Groups have begun meeting and remain open for registration!

Meetings are held on various nights and locations throughout our community. Please REGISTER here so we can connect you to a group in your community.

At Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches, our passion is to actively be pursuing and proclaiming Jesus in our lives individually and as a community. We want to see people come to Jesus and grow in their relationships with Him!
We see this vision demonstrated as we gather together to worship and study the Bible as a large group and also as we live out our lives together in gospel-centered community groups. These community groups meet together throughout palm beach county during the week. These are places where Jesus is exalted in everyday life within a smaller group setting. Community groups are a practical means of discipleship as we encourage one another and live out the principles and teachings of Scripture together through praying together, serving each other, and reaching out to people in our city.
To join a group, please fill out the registration form so we can place you in the group that works best for you!

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10:30 AM10:30

Sunday Service

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us at our Sunday services as we gather to worship Jesus! Our time together includes worshipping in song, a study through His word, partaking of communion and wonderful fellowship in the family of God. We also invite you to the pre-service prayer time, which starts at 10AM.

Child care is available during our regular service time-10:30AM-12:00PM

Location - 5350 Melaleuca Lane, Lake Worth, FL

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7:00 PM19:00

Church Family Meeting

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us as Pastor Daniel shares with us God’s faithfulness as we look behind at the nearness of our good and the work He has done in and through Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches this year.

Pastor Daniel will share vision and direction for what is next as we continue to Pursue and Proclaim JESUS together!

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7:30 PM19:30

Gospel Centered Community Groups

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Gospel Centered Community Groups have begun meeting and remain open for registration!

Meetings are held on various nights and locations throughout our community. Please REGISTER here so we can connect you to a group in your community.

At Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches, our passion is to actively be pursuing and proclaiming Jesus in our lives individually and as a community. We want to see people come to Jesus and grow in their relationships with Him!
We see this vision demonstrated as we gather together to worship and study the Bible as a large group and also as we live out our lives together in gospel-centered community groups. These community groups meet together throughout palm beach county during the week. These are places where Jesus is exalted in everyday life within a smaller group setting. Community groups are a practical means of discipleship as we encourage one another and live out the principles and teachings of Scripture together through praying together, serving each other, and reaching out to people in our city.
To join a group, please fill out the registration form so we can place you in the group that works best for you!

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7:00 PM19:00

High School and Middle School Youth Group

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are thrilled to be starting our twice-monthly Youth Group on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 7pm! All middle and high school students are invited to come for a fun evening of fellowship, games, and time in the Word! Invite a friend to come with you, and we look forward to seeing you!

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7:30 PM19:30

Gospel Centered Community Groups

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Gospel Centered Community Groups have begun meeting and remain open for registration!

Meetings are held on various nights and locations throughout our community. Please REGISTER here so we can connect you to a group in your community.

At Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches, our passion is to actively be pursuing and proclaiming Jesus in our lives individually and as a community. We want to see people come to Jesus and grow in their relationships with Him!
We see this vision demonstrated as we gather together to worship and study the Bible as a large group and also as we live out our lives together in gospel-centered community groups. These community groups meet together throughout palm beach county during the week. These are places where Jesus is exalted in everyday life within a smaller group setting. Community groups are a practical means of discipleship as we encourage one another and live out the principles and teachings of Scripture together through praying together, serving each other, and reaching out to people in our city.
To join a group, please fill out the registration form so we can place you in the group that works best for you!

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12:30 PM12:30

Servant Leadership Training

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Servant Leadership Meeting

On the last Sunday of each month, you are invited to join us for our Servant Leadership Meetings from 12:30pm-1:30pm in the sanctuary. If you would like to grow as a servant leader, this is a great opportunity to learn Biblical principles of leadership and learn from one another. We also take time to interview a member of our church who is currently serving in leadership and hear more about their area of ministry and how they are growing as a leader. We’d love to have you join us!

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10:30 AM10:30

Special Guest Speaker This Sunday!

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This Sunday, we are excited to be welcoming special guest speaker, Pastor Justin Thomas for our Sunday morning service. Pastor Justin is the director of the Calvary Chapel Bible College and is an incredibly gifted Bible teacher. You won’t want to miss this special service Sunday morning at 10:30am!

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7:30 PM19:30

Gospel Centered Community Groups

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Gospel Centered Community Groups have begun meeting and remain open for registration!

Meetings are held on various nights and locations throughout our community. Please REGISTER here so we can connect you to a group in your community.

At Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches, our passion is to actively be pursuing and proclaiming Jesus in our lives individually and as a community. We want to see people come to Jesus and grow in their relationships with Him!
We see this vision demonstrated as we gather together to worship and study the Bible as a large group and also as we live out our lives together in gospel-centered community groups. These community groups meet together throughout palm beach county during the week. These are places where Jesus is exalted in everyday life within a smaller group setting. Community groups are a practical means of discipleship as we encourage one another and live out the principles and teachings of Scripture together through praying together, serving each other, and reaching out to people in our city.
To join a group, please fill out the registration form so we can place you in the group that works best for you!

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7:00 PM19:00

Worship Practice and Training

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If you are a musician or singer and are interested in joining our worship ministry, bring your instrument and join us for a monthly worship practice and training on Wednesday August 21st at 7pm in the sanctuary. We meet the third Wednesday of each month for a time of training and practice for our current worship teams and anyone interested in serving in the area of praise and worship. We’d love to have you join us!

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7:30 PM19:30

Gospel Centered Community Groups

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Gospel Centered Community Groups have begun meeting and remain open for registration!

Meetings are held on various nights and locations throughout our community. Please REGISTER here so we can connect you to a group in your community.

At Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches, our passion is to actively be pursuing and proclaiming Jesus in our lives individually and as a community. We want to see people come to Jesus and grow in their relationships with Him!
We see this vision demonstrated as we gather together to worship and study the Bible as a large group and also as we live out our lives together in gospel-centered community groups. These community groups meet together throughout palm beach county during the week. These are places where Jesus is exalted in everyday life within a smaller group setting. Community groups are a practical means of discipleship as we encourage one another and live out the principles and teachings of Scripture together through praying together, serving each other, and reaching out to people in our city.
To join a group, please fill out the registration form so we can place you in the group that works best for you!

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1:00 PM13:00

Nursing Home Ministry

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Nursing Home Ministry

Are you passionate about community outreach?
Join our outreach team, once per month, as they visit the Terraces of Lake Worth Care Center to share the gospel. 
Visits will take place from 1:00 - 2:30pm, monthly.

There will be worship, the word of God and prayer.

Sign up to receive additional details. 

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7:30 PM19:30

Gospel Centered Community Groups

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Gospel Centered Community Groups have begun meeting and remain open for registration!

Meetings are held on various nights and locations throughout our community. Please REGISTER here so we can connect you to a group in your community.

At Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches, our passion is to actively be pursuing and proclaiming Jesus in our lives individually and as a community. We want to see people come to Jesus and grow in their relationships with Him!
We see this vision demonstrated as we gather together to worship and study the Bible as a large group and also as we live out our lives together in gospel-centered community groups. These community groups meet together throughout palm beach county during the week. These are places where Jesus is exalted in everyday life within a smaller group setting. Community groups are a practical means of discipleship as we encourage one another and live out the principles and teachings of Scripture together through praying together, serving each other, and reaching out to people in our city.
To join a group, please fill out the registration form so we can place you in the group that works best for you!

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7:30 PM19:30

Gospel Centered Community Groups

  • Calvary Chapel Of The Palm Beaches (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Gospel Centered Community Groups have started this week and remain open for registration! Meetings on various nights and locations throughout our community. Please REGISTER here so we can connect you to a group in your community.

At Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches, our passion is to actively be pursuing and proclaiming Jesus in our lives individually and as a community. We want to see people come to Jesus and grow in their relationships with Him!
We see this vision demonstrated as we gather together to worship and study the Bible as a large group and also as we live out our lives together in gospel-centered community groups. These community groups meet together throughout palm beach county during the week. These are places where Jesus is exalted in everyday life within a smaller group setting. Community groups are a practical means of discipleship as we encourage one another and live out the principles and teachings of Scripture together through praying together, serving each other, and reaching out to people in our city.
To join a group, please fill out the registration form so we can place you in the group that works best for you!

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8:45 AM08:45

CC Young Adults Conference

CC Young Adults Conference 

Are you between the ages of 18-28? If you are, then we want to invite you to join us for a Young Adults Conference we will be attending at Calvary Chapel of Miami on Friday, January 31st-February 1st. You can register at and let Pastor Daniel know if you’d like to attend with the group from Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches.

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